So disappointedly I ordered some special sprinkles for the kids birthday cake last month, and they didn’t arrive in time – a week after I might add :( BUT I was left with these awesome jars of colour, so I had decided right then and there once Easter came up I’m going to make some Easter bark. I have always wanted to make it, it was super easy I just winged it, and the kids loved it. After posting about it on my social media yesterday I got a lot of messages about it so I thought I’d pop it all in a post. I wasn’t planning on doing a blog post about it, so I only have my little Boomerang videos that I put up on my Instagram stories, and just the few pics I took of it, but at least it explains the method better :)
I used…..
1 x packet of Cadbury dark choc melts (and I had some old gold dark choc left over that I added) This would be a good recipe to use the billions of Easter eggs that are hanging around next week
1 x packet of Cadbury white choc melts
1 little box of Cadbury mini eggs
Sprinkles and food colouring/gel of your choice
Line a baking tray with baking paper. I melted the Dark choc first (in the microwave as per directions – remember when using the microwave, only do small increments of time, and stir lots in between, it doesn’t need that much heat and the stirring helps heaps)
I poured the dark choc onto the tray and used a spatula to spread it all out (then I gave that to the kids to lick hahaha) I then melted the white choc, once melted I divided it into 3 – left one as is, then coloured one up blue and other pink. Then using a spoon I just randomly blobbed the white choc over the dark choc. I gave the kids a skewer each and told them to draw/swirl around in it :) (my OCD did tell tell them not to mix it too far it was beginning to just become all dark brown again). Then we placed the mini eggs cut in half ontop and then the sprinkles. I popped it into the freezer for half an hour (you can use the fridge, but I didn’t have enough room) once set, I just broke it up into pieces, and the result is delicious, and the kids had a lot of fun making it!
Enjoy! x